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Today in History for 1st August 2023

Historical Events

1863 - Cavalry action near Brandy Station-End of Gettysburg Campaign
1932 - George Washington quarter goes into circulation
1976 - XXI Summer Olympic Games, Montreal, Canada: Officially close
1992 - British athlete Linford Christie (32) becomes the oldest man to win an Olympic 100m gold medal edging Frankie Fredericks in Barcelona
1997 - 6th Athletics World Championships open at Athens, Greece
2021 - 394 migrants rescued from a stricken vessel by humanitarian NGO ships in Tunisian waters

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Famous Birthdays

1819 - Herman Melville, American author (Moby-Dick, Billy Budd), born in NYC, New York (d. 1891)
1903 - Thomas D'Alesandro Jr, American politician (US Representative for Maryland (D), 1939-47; Mayor of Baltimore, 1947-59), and father of Nancy Pelosi, born in Baltimore, Maryland (d. 1987)
1932 - Meena Kumari, Indian film actress (Parineeta), born in Dadar, Mumbai, India (d. 1972)
1933 - Erwin Nypels, Dutch economist and Minister of Housing (D66), born in Bloemendaal, North Holland
1955 - Pierre Robert, American rock and roll radio DJ (same station in Philadelphia since 1981), and Deadhead, born in Truckee, California
1964 - Adam Duritz, American rock singer-songwriter, and keyboardist (Counting Crows - "Mr. Jones"; "Accidentally in Love"), born in Baltimore, Maryland

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Famous Deaths

1883 - Karl Wilhelm Dindorf, classic scholar, dies
1896 - William Robert Grove, Welsh physicist and inventor of the first fuel cell, dies at 85
1973 - Gian Francesco Malipiero, Italian composer, pedagogue (Venice Liceo Musicale, 1932-52), and musicologist (Claudio Monteverdi, Antonio Vivaldi). s at 91
1990 - Norbert Elias, German-British sociologist and philosopher (Process of Civilization), dies at 93
2000 - Hugh Hood, Canadian author (White Figure, White Ground), dies at 72
2012 - Joan Bernard, English educator (Principal Trevelyan College, Durham) and army officer (WWII Auxiliary Territorial Service), dies at 94

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from Today in History | OnThisDay.com https://ift.tt/or7wCqk
August 01, 2023 at 09:32AM

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